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Fitness & Resistance Band FAQ

*Connecticut Residents Only

  • What are the benefits of using resistance bands?
    Same Muscle Activity, Less Chance of Injury Greater Muscle Stimulus Stabilization/Core Activation Improved Strength & Athletic Performance More Exercise Options Inexpensive Ideal for Rehabilitation Stretching & Mobility
  • Do resistance band workouts really work?
    Research shows that strength gains from using elastic resistance bands are similar to training with dumbbells or weight machines, benefiting not only the average person but also benefit athletes. Resistance-band training can even increase the stabiliser muscles to a greater extent than weight training.
  • Do resistance bands actually build muscle?
    ​Yes, you can absolutely build muscle with resistance bands. All your muscles need to grow is tension, adequate recovery, and muscle adaption & progressive overload. Building muscle can be achieved with bodyweight-only exercises, so resistance bands will only increase your capacity for muscle growth.
  • Why should I consider using Resistance Bands?
    They improve the quality of your exercises. They help to focus your control. They recruit your stabilising muscles. They're fundamental for functional training. A great alternative to machines. They're lightweight. They're designed for compound exercises.
  • Can you burn fat with resistance bands?
    Resistance bands are effective in losing that belly fat and strengthening the core. Strengthening the core and burning excess fat helps boost your confidence and improves the shape of your body, along with bodily balance and mobility.
  • How often should you workout with resistance bands?
    For most exercisers, 2-3 days a week of resistance training will be adequate to continue to see improved health and strength benefits and body composition change.
  • Can bands replace weights?
    How resistance bands can replace dumbbells. While resistance bands can be used to warm up your muscles prior to weightlifting, they can also replace your need for dumbbells entirely. Not only are dumbbells bulky and difficult to transport but they take up a lot of space in your home.
  • Are resistance bands good for toning legs?
    Even though running keeps your legs in great shape, it can be taxing on the knees and joints. ... The workouts may appear easy, but the resistance bands generate a major leg & butt burn! Resistance bands are extremely effective in toning your legs and sculpting your booty.
  • What exercise burns the most belly fat?
    Your first step in burning off visceral fat is including at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise or cardio into your daily routine. Some great cardio of aerobic exercises for belly fat include: Walking, especially at a quick pace Running Biking Rowing Swimming Cycling Group fitness classes
  • How can I lose my stomach fat?
    Eat plenty of soluble fiber. ... Avoid foods that contain trans fats. ... Don't drink too much alcohol. ... Eat a high protein diet. ... Reduce your stress levels. ... Don't eat a lot of sugary foods. ... Do aerobic exercise (cardio) ... Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs. Perform resistance training Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages Get plenty of restful sleep Track your food intake and exercise Eat fatty fish every week Stop drinking fruit juice Add apple cider vinegar to your diet Eat probiotic foods or take a probiotic supplement Try intermittent fasting
  • Is it OK to do resistance training everyday?
    Generally, it is recommended to take planned days off from resistance training to allow the body to recover from the stress of the workouts. However, depending on your goal and experience level, it may be okay to resistance train up to six times per week.
  • Can you build strength with resistance bands?
    You can make your muscles bigger and stronger with heavy resistance and eight to 12 repetitions. To strengthen the core muscles (postural muscles) or to build endurance, you'll probably want to move up to 12 to 30 repetitions.
  • ​Are resistance bands worth it?
    “For being able to work out wherever you are and being able to do a variety of exercises without needing a lot of equipment and being able to use them no matter what your fitness level, resistance bands are a great piece of equipment to use,” says exercise physiologist Christopher Travers, MS.Oct 25, 2019

Get 1st Personal Training Session for FREE at Time of Delivery and Installation

*Connecticut Residents Only. Restrictions Apply.

Phone:  860-222-7072

Personal Training and Installation available on the CT Shoreline, New London, and Middlesex Counties. 
The resistance band system can be shipped anywhere in the U.S.

8am to 7pm Mon - Fri,  8am to 12pm Sat

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