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Resistance Band Exercises

*Connecticut Residents Only

Full Body Exercises

Using Wood Platform

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trainer brian cowee 2.jpg
  1. Select which band you will be using.  Start with a light band and work on your form in the beginning.  Position the band under the platform and then loop the ends equal distance on the bar.  

  2. Get into a starting position by slightly bending your knees and sending your hips a few inches backward. Your upper body should hinge forward from the hips between 30 and 45-degrees. While your chest is bent forward, keep it staunch and your upper back straight to maintain good posture. By now, you should feel some resistance in the resistance band. If you do not feel challenged, then switch to a higher level one. This position is your starting position.

  3. When you're ready, exhale and power your hips and glutes forward to stand up straight. Do not fully lockout your legs. Instead, keep a tiny bend in your knees. The resistance in the resistance band should make it challenging for your legs to get the full range of motion. 

  4. Squeeze your posterior chain muscles to stay standing for one to two seconds. Then, slowly release the squeeze and bend your knees to return to starting position.  Allow the resistance band to pull you down.

  5. Repeat! Do two to three sets of ten to twelve repetitions.

Core Exercises


kneeling crunch.png
kneeling crunch 2.png
  1. Attach the bands to high position on the track bar and attached handles to bands to hold on to.

  2. Holding onto the handles, kneel on the floor with your back to the band. Your hands should be resting at the front of your shoulders. This is the starting position.

  3. Pull the band and bend your torso forward to crunch down against the resistance. Maintain the movement only in your core.  If it is too easy, move further away from the wall.

  4. Slowly extend your torso back up to the starting position. Be careful to not let the band spring back quickly. That’s 1 rep.

  5. Complete 15-20 reps for one set. Complete 3 sets. Once you can easily complete the sets, increase the difficulty by adding more reps, or use a band with more resistance. 

Diagonal Woodchopper

standing woodchipper diag.png
standing woodchipper diag 2.png
  1. Attach the band(s) at the highest position on the track bar.  The single cable handle should be just above your head. 

  2. Stand with your right side toward the cable machine and position your feet hip-width apart. Reach up and wrap both hands around the handle. Keep both arms fully extended but maintain a slight bend in your elbow joints. Do not move your elbows from this position as you execute the movement. 

  3. Exhale and pull the cable handle down and across your body until your hands are on the outside of your left hip. Keep your hips facing forward; do not rotate them. Pause for a count and slowly return to the starting position. 

  4. Perform all the repetitions on one side and then switch sides.

Horizontal Woodchopper

standing woodchipper hori.png
standing woodchipper hori 2.png
  1. Attach the band at shoulder height to the track bar and stand sideways to the anchor, feet shoulder-width apart for stability. 

  2. Grasp both handles with straight arms at chest height and rotate your torso and shoulders toward the anchor. 

  3. Move your arms, shoulders, and torso as one unit and twist away from the anchor, stretching the band as you pull it across your body to face the opposite way. Slowly uncoil and return to the starting position. 

  4. Complete all reps on one side then switch to the other.

with Band Row

plank 2.png
  1. Attach a resistance band to the bottom of the track bar.

  2. Face the track bar and hold the band in your right hand as you come into a high plank position. ( You can also do this exercise in the low plank position)  Be sure to keep tension on the band. Your left wrist should be directly underneath your left shoulder. Your back should be flat so that your spine is in a neutral position. If your butt is higher than your back, push your hips toward the ground and widen your foot position for added support and stability. 

  3. With control, pull the band and drive your right elbow back toward your ribs. The only part of your body that should be moving is your right arm. Try not to rotate your hips. If they are moving, complete fewer reps or widen your foot position. Hold the band for one second at your ribs and then return to the starting position. This counts as one rep.

  4. 10 reps on your right side and 10 reps on your left side is one set. Complete a total of three sets.

Chest Exercises

using Body Weight

push up.png

1. Engage the core (belly button to spine and tighten abdominals).
2. Squeeze the glutes.
3. Keeping pressure through the hands, bend the elbows to lower the chest, hips, and head toward the ground- together as one.


1. Get as close to the floor or wall as possible (nose, chest and belly button should be at the same level/height).
2. Continue to squeeze the glutes and engage the core.
3. Keep constant pressure through the hands into the floor.


1. Engage the pectorals and imagine you're pushing the ground away from you.
2. Keep your energy focused in your core and NOT in your toes.
3. Continue to push up, ending, and at available range of motion in the arms while engaging your triceps.

Chest Press with Bar

Standing Chest Press 1.jpg
Standing Chest Press 2.jpg
  1. Place your feet in a staggered stance to offset the pull of the resistance bands.  Bring the bar to front of chest with palms facing forward. Hold elbows slightly behind body.

  2. Standing tall with abs tight, press arms straight out in front of your chest and shoulders then slowly pull elbows back. Repeat.

Decline Chest Press with Bar

standing decline.png
standing decline 2.png
  1. Attach your bands above you head level on the track bar.

  2. Face away from door and hold the exercise bar with a wider than shoulder width grip.

  3. Step 1-2 feet away from door, one foot behind the other in a staggered stance.

  4. Lift elbows until completely bent and pointing back, with hands lower than shoulder height, palms faced down.

  5. Stand with torso slightly forward and core engaged.

  6. To start, take a deep breath, then exhale and press both arms at a downward angle, till arms fully extend.

  7. Inhale and slowly return to start position, with elbows pulled back.

  8. Repeat for desired number of reps.


chest fly.png
chest fly 2.png
  1. Attach your resistance band to the track bar about chest height. 

  2. Get into your starting base position, with one leg in front of you and slightly bent (staggered) and a straight back. 

  3. Grab the handles with both hands with your palms facing the space in front of you. 

  4. Hold your arms nearly straight out to your sides (like a cross). 

  5. Slowly bring your palms toward the front of your body until they meet in front of you (or even cross over slightly for more activation). 

  6. Pause around the top, and then return to the starting position. 

Shoulder Exercises

Should Press with Bar

shoulder press.jpg
shoulder press 2.jpg
  1. Stand upright on the center of a resistance band attached to a low position on your track.  Place your feet shoulder width apart and hold the long straight bar shoulder level with your palms facing forward. 

  2. For your starting position, keep your arms bent at a 90 degree angle so that your upper arms are parallel to the floor and the bar is are even with the top of your shoulders. 

  3. Exhale as you raise your arms straight overhead until they are fully extended. 

  4. Inhale as you lower your arms back to the starting position. 

  5. Repeat for a complete set.

Upright Row

Upright row 1.jpg
Upright row 2.jpg
  1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart with the bands you selected attached to the lower position of the track bar.

  2. Grasp the bar so that your palms are facing inward and touching your upper legs with your arms fully extended, elbows slightly bent. This is your starting position.

  3. Keeping the bar close to your body, exhale as you raise the bar straight up until it is under your chin.

  4. Hold for a moment and then inhale as you reverse the motion back to the starting position.

  5. Repeat for a complete set.

Back Exercises

Kneeling/Seated Lat 

Lat Pulldown 1.jpg
Lat Pulldown 2.jpg
  1. Attach the bands to the highest position on the track bar.

  2. Grab the exercise bar with your palms facing out and down. 

  3. Get down on one knee or sit on a bench or chair with your hands up over your head and the resistance band taught. 

  4. Bring your hands down and out to shoulder height and then let them back up. 

  5. This completes one repetition.


Seated Row 1.jpg
Seated Row 2.jpg
  1. Place the wood platform against the wall with the long side going away from the wall.  This will give you the distance you need to perform this exercise.  Sit on the floor with your legs extende against the end of the exercise board  Place the bands at the second to lowest position on the track board.  

  2. Select either the long or short straight bar, close grip, v-bar of the rope.  Each one will change up the exercise for you and work the body a little differently.  

  3. Using the bar or rope, pull the band toward your waistline, while squeezing the shoulder blades.

  4. Slowly release tension to return to the starting position and repeat.

  5. Keep your back straight, your neck relaxed, and face forward. Maintain your legs extended with just a slight bend in the knee and keep your shoulders back. Exhale as you pull the band toward the waist and keep the elbows close to your body during the entire exercise.


V-Bar Standing Upright Row 1.jpg
V-Bar Standing Upright Row 2.jpg
  1. Secure the band(s) to the door to the track bar at chest height.  You can use either the long bar, short bar, close-grip bar or the rope for this exercise.

  2. Stand away from the track so there is no slack in the bands. Keep your feet hips width apart, chest up and head straight. Position your arms straight out in front of you (parallel with the floor), and your palms down.

  3. Pull your elbows back until your they are even with your shoulders. Return to the starting position (controlling the resistance). Repeat.

Pull Overs

laying pull.png
laying pull 2.png
  1. Attach you band(s) in a low position on the track bar. 

  2. Next, lie on your back, grabbing the exercise bar with both hands, stretching arms straight out overhead. There should be a stretch in the band(s) at this point.

  3. With elbows slightly bent, pull the band overhead, crossing your torso until the bar touched the front of your legs. 

  4. Slowly return to starting position and repeat. 

Arm - Bicep Exercises

Bicep Curl

bicep curl.jpg
bicep curl 2.jpg
  1. Attach bands to lowest position on the track bar and stand with both feet approximately shoulder width apart. 

  2. Using either the long bar, short bar or the rope have your hands on the sides with palms facing forward. (Palms holding rope will be facing side of body)

  3. Slowly curl hands up to shoulders, squeezing biceps and keeping elbows next to your sides.

  4. Slowly release arms back down to starting position.

One-arm Bicep Curl

one arm bicep.png
one arm bicep 2.png
  1. Attach the band to the lowest position on the track bar.

  2. Facing the door grip the handle with one hand and stand about 3 to 4 feet away from the wall. 

  3. Keep your back straight, abs engaged, head aligned and a slight bend in your knees. Position your arm so that it´s straight, pointed towards the track bar with your palm up.

  4. Exhale and pull the handle and bend your elbow until your hand is almost touching your face.

  5. Inhale and gently return to starting position. Repeat.

with Rope

hammer curl 2.png
hammer curl 2.png
  1. Attach the resistance band at the lowest position on the track bar.

  2. Hold the rope with both hands with palms facing together.  Place arms to the side.

  3. With hands holding the rope, slowly lift your arms to your shoulders bending at the elbow.

  4. Now slowly return to starting position.

  5. Repeat for 6 to 16 repetitions.

Tip: Do this move slowly so that you use the muscles and not momentum to build strength.

Arm - Triceps Workouts

Triceps Pushdown

Standing Tricep Pushdown 1.jpg
Standing Tricep Pushdown 2.jpg
  1. Place a resistance band on hook at the highest position above your head. 

  2. Hold the bar with both hands (palms facing down) just below chest height. 

  3. Keep your elbows tight into your side and drive your hands down towards your waist. 

  4. Lock your arms out and rotate your hands slightly outward as you do. 

  5. Hold for a second and then bring your hands back up to just below chest height. 

  6. This completes one repetition.

** this exercise can be done using the long bar, short bar, v-bar, or the rope  for variation.

Triceps Extension to the Front

Standing Tricep Extension 1.jpg
Standing Tricep Extension 2.jpg
  1. Forward resistance band triceps extensions are best performed by connecting your bands to a high position on the track bar.

  2. Tuck your elbows in, and then by bending your elbows let the bar touch the crown area of your forehead.

  3. Press the bar out from your head so that your arms are locked out.

  4. Let your elbows bend and bring the bar to back to your head

  5. Reverse the movement by flexing your triceps forcefully until your elbows reach complete extension.

  6. Repeat

Triceps Extension – Standing

overhead tri.jpg
overhead tri 2.jpg
  1. Overhead Triceps Extensions with resistance band triceps extensions are best performed by connecting your bands to a low position on the track bar.

  2. Press the bands over your head so that your arms are locked out.

  3. Tuck your elbows in, and then lower the band handles behind your head by bending your elbows.

  4. Descend until you feel an intense stretch in the backs of your arms.

  5. Reverse the movement by flexing your triceps forcefully until your elbows reach complete extension.

  6. Repeat


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  1. Attach the bands to position on the track bar that is level with your head or slightly higher.  Keep your feet about shoulder width apart keeping your knees slightly bent.

  2. Bend over at the hip with your shoulders back and chest pushed out. Your body should be bent at a 45 degree angle.

  3. Bring your elbows up to about back level keeping your arms close to your side. Your elbows should be behind you and pointed up towards the ceiling. 

  4. Now kickback with your arms straightening the elbow. You want to keep the shoulders stationary and let the lower arm do the moving. 

  5. Repeat this for 3 sets of at least 15.

Tip: Keep your back straight while doing this exercise. Don't let it round. Kickback your arms as far as you can and try to straighten the elbow.

Leg Exercises


Squat 1.jpg
Squat 2.jpg
  1. Attach bands to your wood exercise platform and attach the other end to the long bar.

  2. Stand with your feet slightly more than hip-width apart.  Your toes should be pointed slightly outward with your hands holding the bar either in front or in back of your shoulders.

  3. Slowly push your hips back into a sitting position while bending your knees.

  4. Continue to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle. Hold the position for 2–3 seconds, then slowly lift back up into the starting position.

  5. Repeat

Tip: Do not rise too quickly. Most benefits from squatting come from the concentric movement of rising up. Slowly stand up while focusing on squeezing your glutes.


lunge 1.jpg
lunge 2.jpg
  1. Attach bands to hook that is about shoulder height and connect the bands to the long bar.

  2. You will hold the bar in this exercise slightly below your chest.  By doing it this way, the bar and bands will help you go down and come back up without injury.

  3. Begin exercise by taking a step with one leg and lower your body straight down so that your back knee almost touches the ground. Pause, then push yourself back up to starting position. 

  4. Repeat as necessary.

Note:  as you get use to this exercise and become stronger, you can reverse your body and face the wall and step backwards.  Again, holding onto the bar will give you balance and a little help as you step backwards.

Hip Abductions

hip 1.png
hip 2.png
  1. Attach your band to the lowest position on the track bar.  Attach the handle to the other end.  Use the loop on the handle and place it around your left ankle.

  2. Stand in an upright position, with your chest up, back straight and feet shoulder width apart.

  3. Bend at the knees slightly.

  4. Either place your hands on your hips or rest your alternate hand (from the leg that will be raised) against a wall.

  5. Engaging your core and legs, lift one leg out sideways (to roughly 45 degrees). As you lift this leg, you’ll feel the resistance from the band.

  6. Slowly return this leg to the floor and repeat for repetitions.

  7. Repeat on the other leg.

Note: You’ll need to really engage your core to keep your body stable during the leg lift. Only lift your leg as far as possible without bending your body. This ensures you are testing your hip mobility and strength during the movement. Don’t worry if you can’t lift your leg as high as you thought… the band’s resistance will have a notable impact.

Kickbacks (Glutes)

kneeling kickbacks.png
kneeling kickbacks 2.png
  1. Start by kneeling on all fours, hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart. 

  2. Hold your resistance band under your hands and wrap the end around your left foot. 

  3. Slowly kickback your left foot, squeezing your glutes, so your leg is straight. Hold, return to starting position

  4. Repeat and switch sides. 

  5. Work your way up to 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each leg.


Calf Raises - 1.jpg
Calf Raises - 2.jpg
  1. Initially, for this exercise you do not need to use bands.  

  2. Use the wood platform and just have your toes on board.

  3. Lower your heals until they are just touching the ground and then rise onto your tippy toes contracting your calf muscles.

  4. Repeat this for 20-40 reps.

Note: As your calf muscles get stronger you can attach a band to the platform to increase the difficulty.

Get 1st Personal Training Session for FREE at Time of Delivery and Installation

*Connecticut Residents Only. Restrictions Apply.

Phone:  860-222-7072

Personal Training and Installation available on the CT Shoreline, New London, and Middlesex Counties. 
The resistance band system can be shipped anywhere in the U.S.

8am to 7pm Mon - Fri,  8am to 12pm Sat

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